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Writer's pictureChantal

7 December - Donate to a Food Bank

An alternative advent calendar

According to the government website, of the 2000+ food banks in the UK, 1,200 are run by the Trussell Trust. They gave out 1.2 million emergency food parcels between 1st April – 30th September 2020.

Of course, the ideal will be that people aren't reliant on them, but for now they can be an immediate help for those in need and we know that Covid has seen the use of food banks rise significantly. The Trussell Trust has seen a rise in food distribution by 23% from last year.

We can therefore all help do out bit by donating to our local food bank.

When donating, think about the things that you would want. In addition, they will also take sanitary items, nappies and pet food. Never donate things that are very near to their sell by date and possibly not large, bulky items.

The best thing to do would be to contact your local food bank and ask what they need.

Find your local foodbank with a quick internet search or use the following link for the Trussell Trust. Most supermarkets have a donation box in their stores where you can place items you've bought - I have never asked but as the boxes are behind the tills, you might also be able to take items you already have.

Images not my own

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